• Business and Investment Advisory Services
  • Business Planning & Feasibility Studies
  • Market Studies & Research
  • Strategic Planning & Management
  • Social & Economic Studies & Research
  • Business Continuity
  • Franchise Consultancy
  • Startups & Small Businesses Advisory
  • Organizational restructuring & development
  • Process Improvement and Enhancement
  • Restructuring
  • Business Process Reengineering (BRP)
  • Human Capital & Administrative Systems
  • Procedures Manuals
  • Internal Auditing
Harness Your Social Proof
In-House Sales Training
  • Operational studies and management system
  • ISO standards and Certifications
  • Total Quality Management (TQM)
  • Lean Six Sigma and waste elimination studies
Marketing Expert
Issa Nemer

Presales Manager

Drive Leads and Sales with Ebtikar

Customer Retention Is The Cornerstone

“All members of our organisation share this growth mindset. Their limitations only determined by their ability to learn not to their knowledge or experience. Through transparency we have created flat and decentralized organization. This type of organization encourages collaboration and communication among members. It also allows for quick decision-making and faster response to change.”

Memdoh Naji

Ebtikar Smart Solutions Group CEO

We Are Investors in People

Quick wins to increase customer adquisition, lead and sales. We take a look at the big picture.




Let’s Make Things Happen

“We only celebrate success when we add value to our clients and create significance in the society we operate within. ”

Marketing Consultant Expert
Issa Nemer
Presales Manager

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